Wednesday, 30 April 2014

Dina, Up! Last Day of A to Z!

Hey pups! As it is indeed the last day (wow!) of the A to  Z Challenge I think it would be rather fitting to close up with these photos:

of me sleeping off the A to Z!

Licks and Wags,

Tuesday, 29 April 2014

American Idol

Hey guys! Honestly, I have no idea what the heck that show is and I don't care but it sorta fits today so let's roll with it! After some last minute and extremely short post over the past couple of days I want to sit down and write something longer: two  inspirational YouTube trainers.

1. Emily Larlham (aka kikopup)
Not my image! Ownership: Dogmantincs
She currently lives in San Diego with 6 dogs three of her own (from the right: Tug, Splash and Kiko) and three that belong to her partner (from the left: Lacey and Trisch. Not in the photo is her 10 or 11 week old Border Collie puppy, Lumos). Emily enjoys working with shy and reactive dogs and also teaching complex behaviours and 'multi-dog' behaviours. I heard of her online on a dog forum and haven't look back. She is my go to and I used her videos to teach Dina recall, drop it, sit, down and stay.

2. Pamela Johnson 

Pam's Dog Academy
Not my image!
Pamela also live in California with three dogs, Isabelle, Bandit and Twix (pictured). She has loads of videos on a variety of topics and behaviours that have detail and good explanations.

Do you watch these guys' videos?

Dina Mom

Monday, 28 April 2014

Purely X-able

Hey pups!  Is my mug just x-able?

Licks and Wags (and kisses/ xes),

Saturday, 26 April 2014

Only 3 Days?

Hey pups! Only three days left of the A to Z Challenge and I would like to start finishing off the challenge with some fun questions and answers (what I should have started with really!).

What is your favourite colour?

Either blue or green, blue because that is the colour of my frisbee and green because that is the colour of my harness=walks!

What is your favourite food?

Easy. Sausage. Lots of it!

What is your favourite place in your house?

Between people's legs when they use the recliners on the sofas or my little cushion corner on one of the sofas. Short answer: sofas!

Why do you love your frisbee so much?

It gives me a chance to release my inner terrier and chase to my heart's content. That's not to say I don't enjoy chasing rabbits and squirrels of course.

What is your favourite chew in the whole wide world?

Pig ears! I love those things to death... or pig snouts!

Do you guys have any more questions? If so leave them down in the comments and I will waggily answer them!

Licks and Wags,

Friday, 25 April 2014

V is for Vegetables

Hey pups!  The A to Z Challenge is almost over but not quite therefore today is a quick memo on what veggoes are safe for dogs and which do I like.

1. Carrots- cooked or nin cooked. I love both.
2. Broccoli- cooked. It's nice and crunchy with my kibble.
3. Cauliflower- cooked. Yummy!
4. Peas- cooked. Little green balls of goodness.

What veggies do you like?

Licks and Wags,

Wednesday, 23 April 2014

What Can You Do?

Hey pups! One of my New Year's Resolution was to be a Novice Trick Dog by 2015 and I'm no closer than before. So to help us summarise what we already know we thought we would share with you guys what we already know.

  • Sit
  • Down

  • Stay
  • Come

  • Paw/Shake

  • Paws on Arm

  • Hold
  • Drop

  • Roll Over

  • Head Down

  • Sit Pretty

  • Up (paws on object)

  • Touch

That leaves us two more tricks to learn as you need 15 for the title. I think Jump will be one and we'll think of another! Any ideas?

Licks and Wags,

Tuesday, 22 April 2014

Strutt That Mutt!

Hey pups! The Fun Dog Show season is in full swing and Mom had the pleasure of attending  half of one yesterday. Without me! She gave me some lame excuse that I'm not good with crowds and left. Can you believe it? Anyways, over to her!

Hey guys! As CrazyTop said I went to a fun dog show yesterday (there is one in May and one in June which I am planning on taking her to!) but I arrived half way through so I only watched the final judging of the 'Waggiest Tail' class, the 'Prettiest Bitch', 'Most Handsome Dog' and the final 'Best in Show'. The Best in Show candidates were all the dogs who won a rosette, not necessarily first place. I'm not sure if these are from the Bitch or Dog class but I think it is the latter.

Awesome Bernese

You gotta go when you gotta go!

Best Buds

I was appalled by the amount of collar and leash jerking that was going on. It hurts the dog! 

Working Cocker

Rascal. At least I think that was his name
The following photos are from the best rescue class.


This one was a true example of the horror of puppy farming. He is a puppy farm dog, ligament problems (not sure if the owner said that he doesn't have any!) and he cannot open/close his mouth or chew due to nerves around his mouth being served. He was however sweet and his owner obviously loved him. Also, the owner did not get him from a puppy farm but the RSPCA. Get dogs from responsible breeders!

Lab- he's been with his family for one month

A 6 or 9 year old Dachsie that has a bit of a weight problem back from the previous years that her current Mom is trying to cut off. She was very cute and lay calmly the whole time.

A puppy in the rescue class

Fantastic Staffy. Her Dad had the best hoodie: Fight the deed not the breed!

Hamlet- a rescue from the streets of Ireland


Millie (above), Logan (black) and the newest puppy!
The Millie clan were my personal faves of the show as they fully presented the strength of positive reinforcement, which was clear from the second the four walked into the ring. Treats, praises and clicks came from these guys and as can be seen from the photos the were fully focused. Her owner said Millie was in and out of shelter due to her "untrain-ability" and fear agression towards dogs. Over two years her Mom worked with her and they are not at fun dog shows winning the rescue classes! I was so happy they got 1st place.

Last was Best in Show!

Working Cocker from before

There were even two Dobermans- my favourite breed!


and a Lab!

To see who won watch the clip below!

18 week old Sussex Spaniel puppy, Ollie. Already BIS! :D

Dina Mom