Tuesday, 22 October 2013

Two in One

Hey pups! On Saturday it was my Gotcha Day!!! As predicted on my birthday Mom made be treats, this time it was a cheesy goodness named Tail Twists (recipe available if you follow the link).

All mixed: flour, flaxseed, cheeses and thyme

The 'mid-dough' after adding oil but not the water

and ready for rolling!
Mom tired to do the twists but they didn't work out so she just made little balls which is far more logical as they're going to be training treats anyway. What's that you say? Did I like them? Let's just say they got my tail in a twist!

Self- control- oh yeah!
We fully realise that it is also Training Tuesday so I'll say that I am doing GREAT with my roll over trick. I know the command but I still hesitate sometimes before rolling over- we're working on that. I no longer need a lure and fully recognise the hand signal. This has motivated Mom to work on my other hand signals with fantastic results. We think that by the next Training Tuesday (TT) we can be moving on to a new trick, which do you think: bow, peekaboo or paws up?

Licks and Wags,


  1. Wow you did great just laying there and not snarfing those treats down, we would never be that well behaved.
    stella rose

  2. These sound good Dina and it was so smart of your mom to make teeny training bites...bet you start rolling over really fast with these treats...I think you should work on "bow" next...that would be cute

  3. Paws up . . . gotta be paws up!

    Your Pals,

    Murphy & Stanley

  4. My mouth is watering! This sounds delicious!


  5. The size is just PAWfect, PAWsome for training. Happy Tasty Tuesday. Lots of Golden Woofs, Sugar
