Tuesday, 27 May 2014

What Do You Mean This Isn't Thursday?

Hey pups! Today's post comes in two parts.

Part I

I know I said Thursday last week was when the last hike post was going to be but I was busy looking after the leg I said I hurt. On Monday, last week, Mom, Big Guy and I set off to explore a hill we have had our eye on for a long time. It was a great walk and the views were really something special.

Chanctonbury Ring on the horizon.

The astounding view

You shall not pass!

A massive trunk with dates and names carved in

Wow! That is like hundreds of years old

Part II (brought to you by Mom)

Today we went to the vet because of Dina's leg. In theory it was fine but she can't sit properly and it is obvious she is saving it. She hurt it on the hike she described above when chasing through a field after some birds. The scream was terrifying.

Less than five minutes after she hurt it.
Over the next few days it got better but only to a certain point (the one described above ie. still saving the leg). So off to the vet we went. After an examination- which I had to held securely for- the vet told us it was most probably the cruciate ligament. We have to make an X-Ray appointment within the week and were sent home with pain medicine.

Licks, Wags and Hugs,
Dina and Mom


  1. Beautiful scenery! Hope that leg heals up fast!

  2. Hope your leg gets better soon so you can hit the trails again!!!
