Thursday, 10 April 2014

How smart am I?

Hey pups! I was practically dead today after yesterday so we stayed in and did some brain work. Namely, a doggie IQ test. How smart am I? We did two to be honest. Now they were just some fun ones we found that can't be taken too seriously but do use need flowing brain juices.

Here is the link to the IQ test. I'll go through how I did for all of the questions but to really know what is going on you should really watch the video- it's about 3 minutes long.

Test 1 - Problem Solving

Place treat under soup can.


5 Dog gets treat in 0-5 seconds
4 Dog gets treat in 5-15 seconds
3 Dog gets treat in 16-30 seconds
2 Dog gets treat in 31-60 seconds
1 Dog tries to get treat and fails
0 Dog shows no interest

I did the option for five points- getting the treat in under 5 seconds- aced it!

Test 2 - Problem Solving

Quickly throw a large towel over the dog's head and shoulders.


5 Dog gets free in 0-15 seconds
4 Dog gets free in 16-30 seconds
3 Dog gets free in 31-60 seconds
2 Dog gets free in 1-2 minutes
1 Dog doesn't get free within 2 minutes

Again option for 5 points, just walked straight out of it.

Test 3 - Problem Solving

Place treat under a small towel.


5 Dog gets treat in 0-15 seconds
4 Dog gets treat in 16-30 seconds
3 Dog gets treat in 31-60 seconds
2 Dog gets treat in 1-2 minutes
1 Dog tries to get treat and fails
0 Dog shows no interest

We used cheese for these tests so I was really motivated to try my best. Starting to see a re-occuring theme here? Because I got 5 points again.

Test 4 - Short Term Memory

Let the dog see you place a biscuit in the corner of the ring, then turn him loose.


5 Dog goes straight to the treat
4 Dog searches systematically and finds the treat
3 Dog searches randomly but finds treat in under 45 seconds
2 Dog searches but fails to find treat
1 Dog shows no interest

Test 5 - Long Term Memory

Let the dog see you place a biscuit in the corner of the ring (a different corner than the one in the test 4), remove him for 5 minutes, play with him, return, and then turn him loose.


5 Dog goes straight to treat
4 Dog goes to the corner from test 4, then the correct corner
3 Dog searches systematically and finds treat
2 Dog searches randomly but finds treat in under 45 seconds
1 Dog searches but fails to find treat
0 Dog shows no interest

Mom could film these last two because there was no where to rest the camera but I sit-stayed pawsomely and went straight to eat up the treat. Another 10 points towards the final score.

Test 6 - Problem Solving and Manipulation

Place treat under a low platform (too low and far enough back to reach with mouth).


5 Dog gets treat in under 1 minute
4 Dog gets treat in 1-3 minutes
3 Dog uses paws and muzzle but fails to get treat
2 Dog uses muzzle only a few times and gives up
1 Dog doesn't try to get treat

I am not much of a problem solver as you can see in the video. I just tried a couple time and gave up- so two points. (DM: I think the glass surface confused her a bit on the second try.)

Test 7 - Language Comprehension

Leave dog as if for a recall and in your usual voice, call "Refrigerator".


3 Dog comes
Call "Movies"
2 Dog comes
Call " (dogs name), Come"
5 Dog comes
Call " (dogs name), Come" again
4 Dog comes
1 Dog fails to come

Another that wasn't filmed: 5 points.

Test 8 - Problem Solving

Dog is shown a treat through a slit in a large cardboard barricade. Dog should not be able to get treat through the slit. Handler encourages dog to get treat.


5 Dog goes around barrier in 0-15 seconds
4 Dog goes around barrier in 16-30 seconds
3 Dog goes around barrier in 31-60 seconds
Handler stops encouraging dog after 1 minute
2 Dog goes around barrier in 1-2 minutes
1 Dog tries to reach through slit and gives up
0 Dog shows no interest

Mom isn't sure that the barrier was high enough but oh well- still would have got it I tell her. 5 points! That gives us a total of 37 and a ticket into the genius band! 

As aforementioned we did two but for the second one we didn't do much testing, Mom just filled it out assuming the answers but they were based on past events.

1. With your dog watching, pretend to reach for a snack and eat it. Your dog:
A.  Watches you intently as if you are actually eating
B.  Investigates the spot from which you took the "food" to see if anything is there
C.  Couldn't be less interested
D.  Seems to realize you're just pretending

2. Your dog's way is blocked by a fence too high for it to jump over. What does it do?:
A.  Runs alongside the fence and looks for a way around it
B.  Forgets it and runs off in a different direction
C.  Tries to burrow its way underneath or get through somehow
D.  Waits for you to lift it over

3. Does your dog seem to recognize any of these words: supper, the vet, bed, good-bye (or your own variations)? If so, how many?
A.  Yes -- three or four words
B.  Yes -- two
C.  Yes -- one
D.  No

4. If you were in the kitchen and began to unwrap food with your dog in earshot, what would it probably do?
A.  Come into the kitchen as soon as it heard the sound
B.  Come in only if it felt hungry
C.  Not realize you were unwrapping food unless you did so right in front of it

5. If you dog is near a door and hears a strange noise outside, its first reaction is to:
A.  Begin to bark and want to go outside
B.  Ignore the noise
C.  Quietly monitor the noise

6. When out on a walk, you and your dog come across a much larger dog or even a horse. What does your dog do?
A.  Runs up and nips at the animals feet, barking at it and harassing it
B.  Growls or barks fiercely, but only from a safe distance
C.  Stays out of the way
D.  Approaches the animal cautiously or playfully

7. When walking your dog on a lead, you come to a busy road. Would your dog:
A.  Stop on the pavement and access whether it's safe to cross?
B.  Rely on you to decide when to cross?
C.  Continue forward and force you to pull back tightly on its leash?

8. If you decide to stop playing with your dog, but it still wants to play, how will it let you know?
A.  By whining softly
B.  By trying to start the game with you again
C.  By growling

9. Does your dog apper to remember people, such as relatives who come to visit only occasionally?
A.  No
B.  Yes, especially if they were friendly to it on the last visit
C.  Sometimes
D.  No, unless they offered it food

10. If your dog needed water but there was none in its bowl, it would:
A.  Wait for you to notice that the water bowl is empty
B.  Look for other means of refreshment, such as the toilet bowl or a puddle
C.  Find you and begin to whine
D.  Summon you to its bowl to show you that it's empty
E.  Sit next to its bowl and whine

11. How does your dog behave when it has been caught doing something wrong?
A.  It slinks away, ears and tail down
B.  It dashes off with a worried look in its eyes
C.  It dashes off with a gleeful look in its eyes
D.  It cowers in front of you

12. How curious is your dog when it finds itself in new surroundings?
A.  Very curious, exploring every nook and cranny
B.  Reasonably curious
C.  The only thing it's ever curious about it what's for dinner

I got 34 out of 48 which is very smart! Hooray! You take the tests and report back what you got!

Licks and Wags,


  1. Brilliant work on the IQ test, Dina! My humans did the first part of that test with me a while back. I humored them, and they were pleased with the results (they're so easily pleased). We haven't done that second part, but I can see it in my future. :-)

    1. Play along- it help keep our outstanding doggie image!

  2. Wow!! That is great. Now I want to do this too!! So very cool. But is there a score for being stubborn? lol Thanks for sharing this test I can't wait to try it!

    1. Pawsome that I motivated you to try it! I'd love to hear how you did via email or your blog!

  3. Great job!
    I'm going to try a few of these on my dog.

    1. Have fun!- That's the most important thing!

  4. I just saw a training video on my breed- Chihuahua. I wish my dog knew tricks, but she is content being just a lap dog. Love the doggy IQ test you've posted. Now I am curious about my Chihuahuas IQ. :)
    Visiting from

    1. You should give the tests a go- they are just for fun after all.

  5. Hey there from the A to Z challenge - how valid do you think IQ tests are? I was just wondering.

    1. Thanks for stopping by! These tests?- they have some skill requirements but they are not scientific and I think better ones can be found if you wanted to pay but Mom is cheap so she didn't.

  6. LOL I think some of those were written with a retriever in mind. I just have to open the cookie container and they come running. I was thinking for a bit that Thunder (8 years old) might be having hearing issues, but no, he can be clear upstairs and hear if a cookie is being taken out of the container. lol selective hearing!
